A source at the ADC sent me this (and the pictures above) (I quote with his permission):
"I was in the ADC convention which is now co sponsored by the FBI and national guard (see pics) the main banquet today featured haya bint alhusien: when she was walking in an angry arab fan asked loudly who is she and the people around her did not like of course..in her speech she said (about her husband): "he is a man who was born to be in the front but instead chose to walk beside his people" here are some highlights:
the ceremony started with the american national anthem , performed by an Iraqi born marine!!! haya got minimal applause initially .. then mary rose awkar signaled to the audience to stand up (and of course most did) Jimmy Carter was there (via a taped address) The FBI had a strong presence and they underwrote some of the activities!! the reality however is that many people are upset with the direction the ADC is taking, still some think they will not abandon it because of that and would rather work for change."