Monday, June 04, 2007
Look at that architectural monstrosity up there. This is the Billy Graham Library. It cost $27 million. That money would have been better spent if it went to supply teen agers around the world with crack cocaine. I mean, really. And then to see the head of Bill Clinton bowed down in prayer (I saw it on C-Span): is there a more pious and more sincere image than that ever? And I have to admit this about the Lebanese people--and I am accused of being harsh on Lebanon and the Lebanese sometimes. But I will grant you this: you will never find a right-wing, reactionary cause in which there is no Lebanese there. At least one, but sometimes more. Usually, in the background, providing nods and cheers and tokenism. But a Lebanese is ever present. There was a Lebanese pastor brought from Beirut for the occasion and he told the crowd that Graham is "a saint." Well, Lebanon should know about saints. The Maronite church there produces saints at the same rate at which Lebanon produces the good hashish for which Lebanon is known.