Thursday, May 24, 2007
You can't accuse Saudi media of ignoring the important news. Al-Arabiya TV aired a "documentary" on the dangers of Free Masonry. (MEMRI does not feature such programs; Zionists are now enjoying their honeymoon with the House of Saud). One of the guests later discussed "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." This anti-Semitic guest (and Saudi media love anti-Semitic guests) later discussed how the Russian communists were all under the "control of Jews." I once was speaking at a conference in Morocco, and one speaker from a Saudi University came to present me with his recent book. I was not pleased with the cover, and opened the pages to get a drift. It was one of those anti-Semitic attacks on Communists. When I expressed my outrage, he then asked me: "Are you denying that Karl Marx was a Zionist?"