Monday, March 05, 2007
This is a warm and fuzzy item: "The Pentagon is upgrading Jordan's fleet of F-16 fighter jets, the latest move in a long-term partnership that has made Jordan a top recipient of U.S. aid. Air Force contract records show Jordan is buying anti-missile technology for its F-16s and is seeking additional F-16 training for pilots and ground crews. The cost has not been disclosed. Jordan's King Abdullah II is scheduled to meet with President Bush and other administration officials this week. Although he opposed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq four years ago, Abdullah has been one of the United States' most reliable Middle Eastern allies. Despite its public opposition to the Iraq war, Jordan "informally and quietly provided logistical support" to the U.S. military, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service. Jordan has also helped train Iraqi police cadets." (thanks Laleh)