Thursday, January 11, 2007

From the Washington Post in 1982: (July 18, 1982, Sunday, Final Edition):
"American supporters of the Israeli military operation say that no matter how high the civilian losses, the invasion is justifiable because the Israeli Army has taken massive and unusual precautions--such as dropping leaflets on cities warning of attacks and allowing time for evacuations--to protect civilian lives and because the continuing presence of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Lebanon had led to civil strife causing the deaths of between 70,000 and 100,000 civilians during the past decade. They also blame the PLO for civilian deaths, asserting that PLO fighters used schools, hospitals and other civilian institutions for shelter from Israeli assaults. "Even if the 10,000 figure is correct, as horrible and poignant as that would be, it has to be seen in the context of the terrible figures of the past," said Hyman Bookbinder, Washington representative for the American Jewish Committee. "Only history will judge--if this operation puts a final end to the killing in Lebanon, then it may prove worthwhile." (thanks Laleh)