Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This is incredible: not really. It will surprise only those who have liberal illusions about the US media. On the first page of the New York Times today is a "report" by official propaganda, and the Israeli government did not have to pay for the free ad. And notice how transparent and objective the process that sent the "report" to the New York Times: "The detailed report on the war was produced by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies, a private research group headed by Reuven Erlich, a retired colonel in military intelligence, who worked closely with the Israeli military. An advance copy was given to The New York Times by the American Jewish Congress, which has itself fought against the use of “human shields,” provided consultation and translated the study." Of course, all those are organizations that have no interest in peddling Israeli propaganda. Those are outfits that seek the truth. Imagine if an Arab "center" offers the New York Times (through a Muslim American organization) a "report" to prove the crimes of Israeli military.