Sunday, December 10, 2006

Robert Fisk and Abed (his driver) were there. Read all about it: "With Fouad Siniora's cabinet hiding in the Grand Serail behind acres of razor wire and thousands of troops - a veritable "green zone" in the heart of Beirut - the largely Shia Muslim opposition, assisted by their Christian allies, brought up to two million supporters into the centre of the city yesterday to declare the forthcoming creation of a second Lebanese administration. A "transitional" government is what ex-general Michel Aoun called it, while Naeem Qassem, Hizbollah's deputy chairman, spoke ominously of the mass demonstrations as "the separatist day"." (Fisk misrepresented what both men actually said). But Abed was quite surprised at the scene: "But even supporters of Mr Siniora's administration were taken aback by the vast numbers of Lebanese that Hizbollah could mobilise yesterday, men and women who in many cases came from the villages and urban slums which suffered near-total destruction in this summer's war." (Did "supporters of Mr. Siniora refer to Fisk and Abed, I wonder)? Another lousy article by Fisk on Lebanon. Notice how he reported the death of one demonstrator at the hands of Hariri goons. Notice how he does not elaborate on the sectarian incitement that is coming out of the Hariri propaganda apparatus.