"yesterday a clash initiated at cornish al mazraa between amal movement and al mustaqbal movement .i was not so far from that clash i live near by .the clash was in beirut kornish al mazraa near abdel nasser mosque . we heard the sound of gunfire rounds . many people injured and one is dead due to this clash . after 1 hour i passed by to see what happened ....too much
glass fragments and stones were on the street and the army was deployed in high numbers ......
i am worried about this situation too much ... i am affraid that things will escalalte from now and on because the last 2 statements of saad hariri during the iftar made his followers so "mahkounin ".
thank you"
I did not post it. I did not have confirmation. And the Lebanese media did not comment on the story. Today, the Lebanese government issued a statement that admitted that a clash occurred between "armed groups" in Cornish Al-Mazra`ah. The statement made it sound that the clash was not political. I know the locations of where the Palanges and Lebanese Forces men are getting their training every weekend, in and outside of Beirut. The Phalanges headquarters in Al-Fanar is one place. There is a picture above of the clash in Beirut. And with what is happening in Palestine: the Bush Doctrine is now fully exposed. Civil wars wherever it rears its ugly head: in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, and Somalia.