Friday, August 04, 2006

Michael Husayn Young who, as of late seems to speak on behalf of Lebanese Shi`ites, here presents his credentials to readers of the New York Times: "My late father was an American, my mother is a Maronite Christian." OK. That makes him credible, ruled the New York Times Magazine editor. And would the New York Times magazine allow somebody to say this about Israelis: "The Lebanese could be infuriatingly anarchic, stupidly selfish." But you see, he can say that because he already had told the readers about his American father. So his White Man's genes qualify him to offer these generalizations about the natives. And notice how Michael Young hectors Shi`ites on how what they should do politically. But my biggest laugh was regarding the "political" group that Young is a member of. Oh, ya. I can see that one group really growing, and sweeping Shi`ite areas. It must have Hariri Shi`ite Nasir Al-As`ad (with his famous charisma-of-a-potato personality) as its leader. Also, look what Young said: "Israel has focused its attacks on Shiites, leaving Sunni, Christian and Druse areas (though not their long-term welfare) relatively intact." Tell Young that in South Lebanon, there are Christians, Sunnis, and Druzes. Tell him that, would you?