Last night , at two am or so, Sahar , my friend and colleague , called me. I jumped to the phone ( didn't want the ringing sound to wake Kinda) and my first question to her was "what's happening? ( shou fi?) ", and she replied with a question "where are you?" . I laughed, she had left the office at midnight and I was still there. "Home, in bed" , I said, "why?" . So she said " So , you're not in Baalback?" .At that point I said to myself that either she's drunk or she has lost her mind , almost no one can reach Baalback during the day, let alone a night trip there. When she heard how ridiculous her question sounded , she tried to laugh and told me she was calling because someone told her they heard on the news that Hanady Salman was killed in Baalback. And since my home town is in that region , she go tworried. At that point we both laughed and I warned her to stop disturbing my when I'm sleeping before she double- checks her sources. I'd forgotten about this incident, until I saw the pictures attached. The woman killed is Hanadi Sleiman ( not salman) . She was killed in an air raid on Burdai , near Baalback. Besides the resemblance in our names, we have , had, one more thing in common, that woman and I : she both , each , have ( she had) a two year old baby girl"