Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Syrian regime and the conflict. The Syrian regime has not been silent during this crisis. The Syrian regime donated tons of papers containing vapid Ba`thist speeches going all the way to the 1940s. Today, Muhsin Bilal--the Minister of Information--spoke. He said that Syrian troops would join the war, if Israeli troops get into Lebanon. He then revised the statement: no, the Syrian troops would join if the invading Israeli troops advance into Lebanon. No, he then added. The Syrian troops would join if the Israeli occupation troops get close to Syria. No, he further amended. They would not really join but if the Israeli occupation troops enter Syria, all bets are off. Not really, he then added. Syria would not join the war but if Israeli occupation troops surround Damascus, the Syrian regime may take action. But on the other hand, added Bilal, Syria may not interfere after all. But if the Israeli occupation troops reach the presidential palace, the Syrian troops will not interfere but the Ba`th Party will meet and produce a tough statement. Beware.