Sunday, July 23, 2006
So what is the Israeli plan? OK, they took (and they keep celebrating taking) Marun Ar-Ras--Marun Ar-Ras for potato's sake. A little village that most people have never heard of and which is being turned in Israeli propaganda into some major city. And now they will advance toward Bin Jubayl. So what? Then what? Hizbullah fighters will simply go north. And then what? Will they keep advancing north? And how far north will they go? Eventually, they will have to retreat, and then what? What would change? Israel went to Beirut in 1982 and installed two Gemayyel presidents? What happened then? Well, we know. I mean, short of exterminating all Shi`ites, what will they do? What is the political plan? And I remember history, even when they went all the way to Beirut, the plan did not work? Did it? On how many founding and transitory myths is Zionism based?