Sunday, July 09, 2006

I hear that John Waterbury, the president of American University of Beirut, is in big trouble with the US government. Apparently, the US embassy in Lebanon is most displeased that Robert Fisk was awarded an honorary doctorate from AUB. In his speech, Fisk gave a scathing indictment of US foreign policy. That did not sit well with the embassy, which is lobbying Washington, I am told, to punish Waterbury. They found a technical irregularity in one of the advertised posters, and will be using that to discredit Waterbury. If somebody has a link to the speech, please link, NOW. Also, the Minister of Ping Pong in Lebanon, and acting interior minister, Ahmad Fatfat, said that Danish intelligence helped in identifying the identity of Hammud, the guy who is now linked to the plot in New York City. Like other Bin Ladenites in Lebanon, it is possible that he may be part of the Hariri network which cultivated ties with all Sunni fanatics in Lebanon prior to the last election. Only two days later, he mentioned the FBI. To throw in Danish intelligence here is akin to referring to the American occupation of Iraq as the Macedonian occupation simply because there are 38 Macedonian soldiers in Iraq.