Friday, July 14, 2006

The American Left and the Middle East. The case of Marc Cooper. This was bound to happen. Of course, I had no illusions. When I came to the US and heard voices of the American left, preaching pacifism to the Palestinians, I knew better. I knew that they really did not care about adherenece to pacifist standards, but that they wanted Palestinians to submit to Israeli military rule. They just did not want the Palestinian to resist, in any form or shape. I knew that when they spoke against suicide bombings--as I would, they would also speak against attacks on Israeli occupation troops. Here was an attack on Israeli occupation troops, but it also qualifies as "terrorism" in US parlance. For Marc Cooper, it was "playing right into the hands of an Israeli government already heady in the fog of war," whatever that means. Can Marc Cooper tell me at what time of the year he would support the capture of Israeli occupation troops? Or is he, like Hariri Inc, concerned over the sex tourist season in Lebanon? Would there have been ANY time that Marc Cooper would have supported? Do people know that Israel still occupies parts of South Lebanon? That Israel still holds Lebanese in Israeli jails? That Israel has refused to submit a map of the 400,000 land mines that it deliberately left in South Lebanon, and that the mines regularly kill Lebanese children?