Monday, March 06, 2006

Now this. The Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (what a name--but quite indicative of a scary agenda (and this so-called Revolution does not even notice a foreign occupation when it sees one)) now wants to appease Israel. Israel's man in Iraq is being considered for a Defense post: "Adnan Ibaidi, a spokesman for the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the largest Shiite political party, ruled out handing over the Interior Ministry to a non-Shiite. But he said the Shiites might consider Alusi for the Defense Ministry, and expressed surprising acceptance of Alusi's overture to Israel. "The Israel visit? Whoever has anything against this, let them also object to the Palestine Liberation Organization, which sits down with the Israelis all the time," Ibaidi said. "Also Jordan — let the objectors go and complain to them. And Egypt, which is considered the elder brother of Arabs, has had relations with Israel since 1978.""