Friday, March 31, 2006
Not only for ideological reasons, but I distrust and oppose the Muslim Brotherhood, in all of its formations and expressions and organizations. These groups served as mere tools of the US/Saudi alliance throughout the Cold War, and promoted the most reactionary agenda there is, and were used to undermine the Left. Look at the Jama`ah Islamiyyah in Lebanon: they don't even have principles. They served their Syrian patrons back when their brethren in Syria were being massacred, and now they (after being bought off) serve Hariri Inc. This is another reason, among many, that I so distrust Hamas. Muslim Brotherhood: is Religion for Hire. Can you name one good contribution of the Muslim Brotherhood? They even produced the likes of Bin Laden. Futhermore, look at the regimes that have been closest to the Muslim Brotherhood in their history: Anwar Sadat's, Saudi Arabia, Jordanian Monarchy, Moroccan Monarchy, and Israel. (In the picture above, Fadi tells me that As`ad Harmush of the Jama`ah Islamiyyah is seen negotiating with mini-Hariri to shine his shoes).