Correction. I made a reference to Middle East gypsies as "Roma people." My friend Mary sent me this correction:
"Actually, the "gypsies" of the Middle East are "Dom," not "Rom," or "Roma." The Dom left India at a different time than the Rom or Lom. (Their names rhyme because they all come from a word meaning "man," which changed over time.) Linguists have determined that the three groups left India at very different times based on the changes to Sanskrit in their languages. As I recall, the Dom left India earlier than the Rom and came down through today's Iran into Arab countries. They have a society in Jerusalem, and I have their cookbook (of
course!). See this website. (Well, wouldn't you know it; some other place took over the site!)
Some Roma do not like to be affiliated with the other two groups. I would think there would be strength in numbers, but suppose some Roma are afraid to seem more "eastern" given the prejudice they already face in the West. Or, maybe they are just being true to the groups'
different histories." (thanks Mary)