Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Like the last Iraqi elections-under-occupation, the Saudi media are going into full drive to promote Iyad `Allawi (former puppet prime minister/car bomber/former Saddam's henchman/embezzler-in-Yemen). And this time`Allawi promises to bring back Saddam's Ba`thists into the government, if elected. Yesterday, he was "interviewed" on LBC-TV. I could not believe the interview, even by one of the best interviewers, Shadha `Amr. The last time I saw an interview like that was the last time I watched Larry King interview a celebrity. She asked him questions like: why do you love Iraq so much? How much security and prosperity will you bring into Iraq? And then, the station kept running under `Allawi's picture a ticker that said that `Allawi fought against Saddam's regime, and that Saddam tried to kill him. This was clearly intended to counter the strong campaign in Iraq against `Allawi, and which is reminding Iraqis of `Allawi's Saddamist past.