Legacy of the Syrian mukhabarat in Lebanon. Is this it? Is this the legacy of the Syrian mukhabarat in Lebanon? Two mass graves were found yards from the headquarters of the Syrian intelligence apparatus in Lebanon during its long years of domination. What images and what symbolism. But was that surprising? And who is guilty too? Who is also implicated? The entire era and those Lebanese who participated in it and benefited and profited from it are also guilty. That primarily include all the parties and organizations and personalities who had links at different or constant times with Syrian mukhabarat and with their master Ghazi Kan`an (ally of Hariri and Jumblat and still remembered fondly by the latter): that would include Rafiq Hariri, Jan `Ubayd, `Abdur-Rahim Mrad, Muhsin Dallul, Najib Miqati, Jamil Sayyid, Raymond `Azar, Emile Lahhud, Ahbash organization, Nabih Birri, Walid Jumblat, Na'ila Mu`awwad, Phalanges Party, SSNP, Ba`th Party, Samir Franjiyyah, Hizbullah (despite an early clash with Ghazi Kan`an when he first brutally entered Beirut in 1987), Michel Murr, Ilyas Murr (the last two in particular), Muhammad Qabbani, Walid `Idu, Butrus Harb, Ilyas Hrawi, and on and on and on. But let us remember this: Israeli war machine killed more Lebanese and Palestinians in one year (1982) than Syria killed over 30 years. But Israeli bombing usually incinerates the bodies. Sometimes nothing remains.