Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Demise of the Mehlis Case. Hariri Propaganda has been shaken by the end of the Mehlis term. The Lebanese people are now allowed to know the truth about the investigation while Hariri's paid voices scream about "the truth." After the appearance of Hassam Hassam (not Husam Husam, I learned from Syrian pronounciation of the name) in Damascus, the case is collapsing. Hariri's functionaries want to falsely claim that Hassam's account was not key to the Mehlis report. No, it was. Read the report yourself. The report is 90% based on Siddiq and Hassam. This account of the New York Times will never be allowed in the Lebanese press: "He announced his decision as the inquiry, which had appeared to be shaking the foundations of the Syrian government, seems to have lost momentum. A witness who Mr. Mehlis said was important has publicly recanted testimony." Today, the Hariri Prime Minister had to intervene and to claim that Mehlis misses his wife. Amazing how he suddenly missed his wife after the appearance of Hassam. He did not seem to miss her before. I urge the Lebanese who can read foreign language to avoid the Lebanese media. They are being lied to on a daily basis, and the Hariri apparatus censors more than Rustum Ghazalah. But at least yesterday Sa`d Hariri told the truth: he said that his father was not only an ally of the Syrian government, but that he was the major ally of the Syrian government. Yes, he was, and for that he should be held responsible for the crimes of the past era.
PS. After posting this, I saw a first page account of this New York Times story in Hariri rag Al-Mustaqbal. They simply took out the reference that I quoted above. Enjoy the freedoms of Lebanon.