`Allawi runs for his life in Najaf. Another weak, and another false claim of an assassination attempt by `Allawi (former puppet prime minister/car bomber/embezzler-in-Yemen/Saddam's henchman). `Allawi always makes claims of assassiantion attempts that nobody can verify except himself. Today, he claimed that people "with long knives"--I am not kidding you--approached him in Najaf but then left. What people can verify is that people in Najaf saw `Allawi and simply started throwing shoes and slippers at him while chanting slogans against Ba`thists like him, and his bodyguards intervened and shot at people. Unless it was an assassination attempt by shoes, a la Shajarat Ad-Durr. This is the LA Times account: "One of Iraq's most prominent politicians and his entourage were
pelted with rocks and shoes Sunday as they left a shrine, escalating tensions between religious and secular Shiite Muslim factions 11 days before a parliamentary election that will set the country's course for the next four years. Iyad Allawi, the former interim prime minister who now leads the Iraqi National List coalition, said he and his bodyguards were also attacked with gunfire in an assassination attempt outside the Imam Ali shrine in this Euphrates River city.
Local authorities disputed the claim."