Friday, December 02, 2005

`Allawi inspects the troops. So US troops arranged for their puppet Iraqi troops to hold a ceremony and parade at the Muthanna airport in Baghdad. And US troops decided to invite not the Minister of Defense or the Prime Minister but Iyad `Allawi (former puppet prime minister/car bomber/embezzler-in-Yemen/former Saddam's henchman). US troops asked him to be the "official" Iraqi present, and he observed and inspected the troops. Iraqi officials were furious. Iraqi prime minister Ibrahim Ja`fari described `Allawi's trick as "from the Ba`thist thought and from the thought of Michel `Aflaq and his party" in reference to the long career of `Allawi in the Ba`th party, and his current alliance with Ba`thists. Clearly, the US and Saudi Arabia are doing all what they can to boost the popularity of `Allawi. It is not amazing how far the Saudi government will go to please the US these days. If asked, they would be willing to establish an Israeli consulate inside the Ka`bah itself.