Thursday, November 03, 2005

Yes. Jimmy Carter has a new book out. Reading the phone book is more interesting than reading the books of Jimmy Carter (I say this having suffered reading those awful books, with more than a tinge of moral sanctimoniousness). In this new book, Carter calls on the US to return to the "great ideals of freedom" that the US stood for in the past. I don't know if he was talking about the "good old days" of slavery. Yes. Go back to the time when Jimmy Carter was throwing billions on the fanatical groups that produced Al-Qa`idah; go back to the times when Carter hailed the leadership of the Shah of Iran; go back to the times when Carter did not notice that Israel invaded Lebanon in 1978; go back to the times when Carter celebrated King Fahd at the White House; go back to the times when Egyptian dictator, Anwar Sadat, was his best friend and ally. Yes, Carter. Give us more moral advice, although food recipes would be better. Any suggestions about Baba Ghannuj? Do I put one or two spoons from your empty human rights jar in it?