Monday, November 14, 2005

The official newspapers of the US Empire. Look at this from the Washington Post: "The U.S. military broadened its offensive in western Iraq on Monday, launching a major attack on insurgent positions in the town of Ubaydi near the Syrian border and killing about 50 insurgents in precision airstrikes and house-to-house street fighting, according to news reports and the U.S. military." How did the Post know that they were "precise"? Did the post interview all 50 dead insurgents to verify that they indeed were ALL insurgents? Did the Post visit the scene to make sure that no bombs missed their targets when we know that in the 1991 war on Iraq some 70% of all bombs and missiles dropped on Iraq missed their target (according to Navy figures cited in Rick Atkinson's Crusade), and 25 % of all bombs and missiles dropped on Afghanistan missed their targets. Yet, the same article later reports timidly: "The U.S. military has not released comprehensive information about civilian casualties from the 10-day-old Steel Curtain offensive. U.S. military officials challenged a report by a Red Crescent Society official, quoted in The Washington Post last week, that 29 civilians were killed in the first three days of the operation. On Monday, CNN journalists embedded with U.S. troops filmed people picking through the rubble of a house where neighbors said 17 people had been killed in an airstrike, apparently several days ago."