Monday, November 14, 2005

Let the Lebanonese people vent out their bigotries and animosities. You have to admit this: under Syrian political control, there was no politics in Lebanon, or politics was too regulated to be considered politics by the definition of Hannah Arendt. Conflits were under control and management, to the benefit of Syrian control. Conflicts were suppressed and stifled. Now politics in the wake of the Hummus and Batata revolution, and sectarian animosities, have been allowed to resume, to the glee of the French and US ambassadors in Lebanon, who don't even know what is going on in Lebanon. I noticed that Al-Mustaqbal newspaper (a Hariri rag) carried two articles by Farish Khashshan and Rudwan As-Sayyid which may be the first salvos in the Hariri war on Hizbullah. With Hariri, you can always relay on its apparatus to mobilize along narrow Sunni sectarian lines, and the other side will respond in kind. I have posted about the right-wing sectarian Christian publisher, Ghassan Tuwayni before. In his autobiographical book, Sirr Al-Mihnah, he expressed his admiration for three people (all fascistic): Charles Malik, Kamil Sham`un, and Antun Sa`adah. Tuwayni today, in a talk that was deleted and censored in many Lebanese newspapers (and An-Nahar deleted that section of the speech which was--that segment--aired on New TV and was not mentioned on AsSafir), he argued that Hizbullah was founded to protect Shi`ites from Palestinians in Lebanon, and spoke with venom against Palestinians. He also invoked the name of Sa`d Haddad, defending him.