Monday, November 21, 2005

Last meeting between George W. Bush and Rafiq Hariri (a witness account): Prior to the ineffective useless Paris II meeting in Paris, France (which Hariri had set up to show "empty" economic support for Lebanon, but was a mere empty gesture in the silly war between Hariri and Lahhud), Rafiq Hariri and his entourage met with George W. Bush in the oval office at the White House. Hariri brought current prime minister Fu'ad Sanyurah with him too, along with other advisors and members of his family. Bush was not nice to Hariri in the meeting, despite the daily tears that Bush has been shedding over Hariri's assassination over the last year. Hariri felt humiliated after the meeting. Hariri asked Bush to send Colin Powell to the meeting, and asked for US financial support. Bush snapped at him: "You have tons of money. Why don't you share your money with Lebanon?" Hariri was embarrassed and answered that he was not asking for grants from the US, but for loans at reduced rates. Bush then asked him: "Why don't you ask your friend King Fahd? I hear he spends $200 million in Spain every year." Hariri was more embarrassed, and said something to the effect that this is not his country's money, but that it was Fahd's private money." Bush looked at him with disbelief. Bush then attacked Syria, and said some words about Lebanon's "independence" and "freedom" and "potatoes." Hariri put a strong defense of Syria, and how Lebanon needs Syrian troops. Bush then bluntly said that he will not send Colin Powell to Paris II meeting, and that Nicholas Burns will be sent instead. The meeting ended. During that visit, Hariri met with many US officials, but only in one meeting he went alone, and asked his entire delegation to wait outside for him. It was his meeting with Cheney. It is noteworthy that since Hariri's death, Cheney's office is the one that closely coordinates with Sa`d Hariri on regular basis.