Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I watched an interview on AlJazeera with the Iraqi prisoner from Abu Ghraib whose picture (dragged like a dog) appeared around the world. He talked about his ordeal. US captors as soon as they held him were asking him about the whereabouts of Bin Laden and Ayman Dhawahiri. This is not even about the insurgency in Iraq, of which he was not a member, he kept stressing. They just felt that they can use and abuse those cheap Arabs in Iraq and maybe they will get some information. He also mentioned that was one of his worst tormentors was a...Lebanonese. He also said that the irony was that he was constantly searched while in prison when he was kept fully naked. US soldiers apparently were regularly holding mock executions of prisoners. Yet, liberals and conservatives alike in the US never miss an opportunity to cheer the troops. Cheer the troops, NOW. Patriotism requires it.