Saturday, November 12, 2005

From the Economist: "Now the rite appears perilous for baptisers too. On October 30th Kyle Lake, a pastor at a Baptist church in Waco, Texas, collapsed at the water tank in front of 800 of his horrified flock. Mr Lake apparently grabbed the microphone while he was in the water—and was promptly electrocuted. The woman he had just baptised was unhurt. Worshippers in the state are prone to horrifying incidents—most famously the explosion at the Davidians' besieged compound in 1993. In 1999, seven churchgoers were shot dead by an obscenity-screaming madman in Fort Worth, who then killed himself. On a lesser scale, a row broke out in Austin two months ago after a Catholic priest pricked the fingers of more than a dozen children during Mass with an unsterilised pin. The idea was to show the pain that Christ must have suffered on the cross. The priest claimed to have drawn no blood, but parents still howled about possible HIV and hepatitis."