Monday, November 21, 2005

Feudal landlord/civil warlord, Walid Jumblat has received an invitation to visit the US in February. This after having his visa revoked two years ago when he called for the assassination of Paul Wolfowitz. Two years is a long time in Lebanese politics. Since then, he has become friends with crackpot Lebanese presidential candidate, Shibli Mallat, who wrote a piece for An-Nahar titled, My Friend Wolfowitz, in which he argued that the latter is a supporter of the Palestinians. Since Jumblat has received the official invitation a few days ago, he has changed his political rhetoric (yet again), and started repeating what he said right after the assassination of Hariri. Jumblat has emerged as the most unprincipled Lebanese politician, and this in a country known for very high standards of unprincipleness among its politicians. If you don't pin hope on anybody in Lebanon, you will never get disappointed.