Monday, September 19, 2005

Reading the Lebanese right-wing Lebanese newspaper An-Nahar , which had a semblance of the fake objectivity of the Western press in the pre-war (pre-1975) period, is to encounter a media source that is more rabid and more unsophisticated and more blatantly propagandistic than Fox News. I kid you not. I mean there is no way that somebody like Jubran Tuwayni, who can't write Arabic, would be considered a writer in any other country, especially if he had not inherited a newspaper. He yells, he does not write, and he yells in the most crude and unsophisticated manner, and Lebanonese nationalists are impressed with his writings. Just today, in the section on local politics, I read that the director-general of the Internal Security Forces, Hariri functionary Ashraf Rifi, gave a speech at an Interpol conference in which he stated that finding the Hariri killers is "in the interest of humanity." Humanity no less. People in Belgium and China are dying to find out the culprits, you know. And there is a dispatch from the newspaper's correspondent in Paris in which he interviews a Lebanese expert in France who asserts that "Hariri's assassination was intended to undermine his [neo]liberal project at the level of the region."