Monday, August 15, 2005

The Legacy of Yasir `Arafat: Zaki and the Shield of Jerusalem. As you all can tell, I have always had utter contempt for Yasir `Arafat, and what he has (or has not) done for the Palestinian cause. He allowed the flow of dirty oil money to corrupt the Palestinian resistance movement, thereby harming even the left-wing organizations that also benefited from `Arafat's funds, which intended to undermine the revolutionary potential of the movement, and to place various PLO leaders at his own service (Yasir `Abd Rabbu (even when he was the 2nd in command at the DFLP, Samir Ghawshah, Bassam Abu Sharif, etc), and to spread a compromising political line. Yesterday, I was most disgusted to see a `Arafat lieutenant, and a Mahmud `Abbas' emissary, Fath leader `Abbas Zaki, making the rounds in Beirut meeting with Amin Gemayyel and General Michel `Awn, among others. But what really upset me was the sight of Zaki awarding the shield of Jerusalem to `Awn. This `Awn, while serving in the Lebanese Army in the civil war, opted to fight with the right-wing militias, and he "fought" if that is the word, when the right-wing Maronite-oriented militias in East Beirut, with Israeli and Syrian assistance, laid a siege to the Palestinian refugee camp of Tal Az-Za`tar in 1976, and later ransacked it, and massacred many of its inhabitants. `Awn later shelled areas in West Beirut, and struck an alliance with Saddam Husayn, who also was an ally of `Arafat. `Arafat sent weapons to `Awn just because he was opposing (for his own purposes) Syria in Lebanon. In that case, the puppet `Abbas is a logical successor to `Arafat, who is in pain for not being able to send millions to the account of Suha `Arafat.