Saturday, August 13, 2005
American pressures on Arab media worked. When the US government after 2002 put heavy pressures on Arab government to influence their media to the effect of putting less emphasis on the plight of the Palestinians and on US wars around the world, the results could be detected within months. By now, the Palestinians are forgotten in most Arab media, with the exception of some US-style in-passing stories (and Al-Arabiyya TV even reports about the anguish of the colonial settlers in Gaza) and only Al-Jazeera and Al-Manar seem to pay attention to their suffering. I now get the puppet Iraqi Satellite station Al-Iraqiyya TV. For those who follow viewerships' demographics, I can predict that they must be in their 80s on average. The station is geered to people who have the viewing and listening tastes of my great grandparents. Now I am not sure: which is more boring? Saudi or Iraqi TV? You can make it worse if you put Larry King on Saudi TV. That could put a nation, nay a planet, to sleep.