Thursday, July 14, 2005

My recent days: too much to report and very little time. I shall report at length upon my arrival in US on Tuesday. I spent many hours on Tuesday with leaders of the Lebanese Communist Party. I maintained that the Party would not survive if it moves away from Marx (from Marx, of course, and not from Lenin and Stalin and Mao), and I expressed my views as an anarchist who belives that Marxism is now as relevant as ever especially in the age of Bush and globalization and Hariri. Do people in the West, and their ungifted New York Times reporters, know that there are still communists and leftists and secularists in the Middle East? Do they? Yesterday, I spoke at the `Ayn Al-Hilwah Refugee camp. It is always emotional for me when I speak at a refugee camp. Is it before I always related to the Palestinian people better than I could relate to the Lebanese people? Is it because I always believed in a Palestinian cause but never in a "Lebanese cause"? Today, I interviewed the Lebanese president, Emile Lahhud. My mother was upset that I, in addition to going in my jeans and my New Balance 991, did not shave for the meeting. But I explained that I shave every other day here, and it just happened that today was not a shaving day for me. She did not understand, it seems. The protocol people at the presidential palace, noticed my shoes, I could notice. Were they realizing that this particular brand was great for running, or it was a different thought in their head? At one point, when Lahhud told me a very interesting piece of information, I asked him whether I can use that, and he very politely said that I could not as it contains information about an Arab head of state. Did he mean that I could not use on this site? Or is this site subject to no rules or regulation? Stay tuned.