Monday, May 09, 2005

Meet the `Awni (Hitlerian) salute. Also, the pro-Saudi right-wing Elaph website carried articles about Gen. `Awn, and they conveniently left out the information about `Awn's alliance with the regime of Saddam Husayn. Also, `Awn ruled, so we can judge his actual record: how he closed newspapers that dared to even question his wisdom, how how bombed civilians in West Beirut, and how he sent his thugs to beat up the right-wing sectarian Maronite patriarch, who was forced to kneel on the ground, and to kiss a picture of `Awn. LBC-TV has footage of that but they will never air it. The biographies of `Awn in Lebanese newsppapers also leave out information about his joining right-wing Maronite sectarian militias during the civil war. Elaph's articles said that he never joined a battle that he did not win: he certainly lost every major battle (from the Suq Al-Gharb battle to the one against the Syrian army when he fled in his pajamas to the French embassy) that he led. But maybe the author was talking about his battles with...Palestinian refugees. Gen. `Awn was present (along with Syrian and Israeli supporters of the Phalanges and Ahrar right-wing militias at the time in 1976) during the siege of the Tal Az-Za`tar refugee camp. Heroes? These are the heroes of the right-wing opposition of Lebanon. With heroes like that, who needs villains. Posted by Hello (thanks Manar for locating this picture)