Sunday, January 23, 2005

Zarqawi the Kook: I cannot keep up with Zarqawi's kooky declarations and fulminations. I think that he has high ambitions for himself. And after the last statement by his former comrade Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi who reminded him that he was not trained in religious sciences, Zarqawi has a complex now. He wants to show that he is educated in Islamic religious science. So his statement about Fallujah (which is way too long) contains basically an anthology of Hadith, as he wants to prove that he knows his stuff. And then he reaches a point where he is obviously losing it, if he had not lost it a long time ago. He compares his gang to the movement by Muhammad against the pagans. And then he reports a few "miracles" from the battle of Fallujah: about his fighters coming a across a watermelon that is so red (and out of season--he tells you); about a fighters coming across a house with containers of cold waters "oddly lined up next to one another"; and about a fighter whose brains were blown up with gunfire, but the pieces were then collected together by his comrades, and then he recovered fully. He is trying to imply that God was helping his movement. But could not God's help have been more helpful? And then he cites a poem, which looks like his composition. Now I have to deal with the poetry of Bin Laden, Saddam, and Zarqawi? He concludes his message by sending salutations to Bin Laden, and then send salutations to others in Afghanistan, and he names Mullah Omar and Ayman Adh-Dhawahiri. He also has two linges of poetry about Bin Laden: but his poetry is as flat and bad as that of Saddam. If I were an Iraqi: I would be furious at US war and occupation for brining such a kook to my land.