Thursday, November 18, 2004

Who are they fooling? Or are they that stupid? US media are now peddling the US government propaganda claims to the effect that Abu Mus`ab Az-Zarqawi's "headquarters" were found in Fallujah. "Headquarters"? Do they really think that this person had a fixed "headquarters" with receptionists and waiting rooms and a beverage dispenser for visitors? Zarqawi is a fanatical kook but would he keep a "headquarter"? In other news, in the fanatical websites of Al-Qa`idah and its allies they are defaming the recent victim Margaret Hassan. This woman devoted her life to helping Iraqis, and now they are spreading lies about her after her gruesome murder by terrorists (whoever they are). (And why would Robert Fisk (who I admire) thinks that Zarqawi killers were not guilty of killing her? They are defaming her on their websites already? And it would not be the first time that they would kill an innocent person). Zarqawi and Al-Qa`idah by the way found ways to justify not only their killing of innocent civilians, but also of innocent civilian Muslims. Bin Laden first did that in the interview with Al-Quds Al-`Arabi in 1998, and now they do that causally in their websites and their literature. They merely resort to a disgusting fatwa by the fanatical guru Ibn Taymiyya, who is lionized by Wahhabi fanatics.