Sunday, November 14, 2004

I posted a long post, and it was lost. This is a briefer reconstruction from memory:
Has anybody noticed the inconsistencies in US official versions of what is going in Fallujah? We were told last week, that it will all be over by Saturday, and yet other officials still insist that operation is still ahead of "schedule." It is already early Monday in Iraq and the correspondent of AlArabiyya was reporting heavy Fallujah, and airplanes were ordered to bomb yet more sites in the city. US puppet (Allawi the puppet prime minister/car bomber/former Saddam's henchman/embezzler-in-Yemen) in Iraq is so hated. I heard several chants by Iraqi crowds today on Arabic news channels (they rhyme in Arabic):
Ya Allawi Shil Idak
Hayda-sh-Sha`b ma yridak
(Oh, Allawi, Your hands Off
This people does not want you)
Ya `Allawi Sabrak, Sabrak
Fi-l-Fallujah Tihfur Abrak

(Oh, Allawi, Your Patience, Your Patience
In Fallujah, You are Digging your Grave)
Ya Allawi, Ya Jaban
Ya `Amil-l-Amrikan
(Oh, Allawi, Oh Coward
You are an Agent of the Americans)
(The last one is the most popular and most oft-chanted.) This Allawi just hired a new editor for his party's official newspaper. The new editor was the chief media/propaganda advisor for Saddam. The correspondent of the pro-Allawi, pro-Saudi, pro-US, AlArabiyya, has been arrested by US troops. The channels was so timid in reporting the news. In other news, for the puppet elections in January, the US is quickly discovering that its puppets have no chance. For this reason, the US is working behind the scenes to prepare a one, national list to guarantee seats for the puppets. People would be voting with "yes" or "no" on the entire list. And you still doubt that Bush wanted real democracy and freedom in Iraq?