Friday, December 17, 2010

When in Cairo: when Mubarak relaxes

"He added that when in Cairo, he undertakes a daily exercise regime in the afternoons, but when he goes to Sharm, "I just relax -- no exercise."  Throughout the meeting, Mubarak was expansive and in fine humor. He rose easily from his seat several times to point out activity on the golf course and to be photographed with his visitors. He engaged the visitors extensively on the topic of food, stressing that his favorite fare is Egyptian popular breakfast dishes, such as tamiya (felafel) and foul (beans). He ordered up a huge tray of freshly made tamiya sandwiches for lunch, and lustily consumed several...He also displayed one apparent lapse in memory in telling Congressman Israel that Gamal is forty-one years old; he is in fact forty-four (born December 27, 1963, according to leadership profile 20320807)."