Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Crime and Sleaze in Saudi media

"In a meeting at his XXXXXXXXXXXX office XXXXXXXXXXXX with Consulate and Embassy press officers, XXXXXXXXXXXX because of the SAG’s concern that young Saudis were particularly vulnerable to the calls of extremists, and that the station now targets its moderate news broadcasts to the 14-18 year old demographic in short presentations of three minutes or less. He also said that the stations website, Arabiya Net, appeals to a pan-Arab audience and gets about 100,000 visitors per day. Al Arabiya and other MBC channels, he said, present programming that they hope counters the influence of al-Jazeera and fosters “moderateâ€‌ perspectives among the country’s youth."  Eh, yes. Al-Arabiyya net may get some visitors but not due to "promotion of democracy" but to crime and sleaze stories.