Friday, October 16, 2009

Lebanese media and prostration to House of Saud

Lebanese journalists are so quick to respond to any references to Lebanon in the Syrian press. Last week, the editor-in-chief of Al-Riyadh (the largest Saudi daily) expressed his opinion that Lebanon should be annexed by Syria. Not a single word of criticism was uttered by the media of March 14. There were even mild criticisms in the in the opposition press in Lebanon. The editor-in-chief later reversed himself--that is not unusual in the Arabic Saudi media when order are issued from above. Like you may write one day that you like eggplants. The next day--by order of the Emir--you may say: you know when I said that I liked eggplants? I did not mean that. Having thought about the matter more, I realized that I in fact don't like eggplants but like carrots instead. Having said all that: I of course, am of the opinion that the Lebanese entity should be dissolved, especially when the lousy Syrian regime is no more there. Just imagine what a nice entity we can have, if Palestine is liberated, and Syria is free of the Ba`thist regime, and the Cedars are cut down to make enough sandals (Syrian style qabaqib) to fit every child in the Middle East. I will call it: the Hummus Qabaqib.