Sunday, November 03, 2013

Deported from the US for daring to be tortured by Israeli terrorists

"In Prisoners for Palestine: A List of Women Political Prisoners, Odeh describes her experiences being arrested by Israeli security forces and then tortured,

“It was the Id al-Adha and all the family was present. They came at midnight when we were asleep and burst open the front door. "Where's Rasmiya? Where's Rasmiya? " My father asked them for their warrant, but they shoved him aside, entered the girls' bedroom and pulled me out of bed. I opened my eyes to see the room full of soldiers, my sisters petrified. They asked me at once, "Did you put the bomb in the supermarket? " I said I knew nothing. They wouldn't let me dress so I just put a coat over my nightgown as it was raining. As soon as we got into the car they started slapping and punching me. They took me to the Ramallah prison for one or two hours—I'm not sure how long. Then they blindfolded and handcuffed me and took me to a place that I thought very far, because we drove for so long, but I learnt later that it was the Moscobiya, the torture factory.”

Odeh goes on to describe her experience being tortured:

“The first time they stripped me and threw me on the floor, the room was full of men—civilians and soldiers. They laughed at my nakedness and kicked me, beat me with sticks, pinched me all over, especially on the breasts; my body was covered with bruises. Then they got a wooden stick, not a smooth one, and pushed it into me to break the hymen. They brought my father and fiancé to see me. I lost consciousness and when I woke I was in another room, lying on the floor with a blanket over my legs but my body still naked.”

This torture continued until Odeh was tried, and convicted in an Israeli military court, a court system where the average trial for a Palestinian lasts for three minutes, and has a 99.74 percent conviction rate. Odeh was sentenced to life in prison." (thanks John)