Thursday, April 25, 2013

Muslims in number

From Karim: "
Dear Asad,
it seems the original article and your reader are both wrong with their numbers:

No matter if you start with the total numbers from the article (100 out of 3mio.)
3.000.000 100%
300.000 10%
30.000 1%
3.000 0,1%
300 0,01%
100 0,0033%

or with the ones from your reader (1 out of 30.000)
30.000 100 %
3.000 10 %
300 1 %
30 0,1 %
3 0,01 %
1 0,0033 %

What matters: the numbers are so low that there is no logical relation compared to the big media output concerning muslims in general and terror threats in particular."