From Khelil: Beyond the WINEP Zionist who published his piece in the WSJ on March 20,
their foreign policy columnist (of course, a Likudnik) just two days prior also
took to backing King Playstation:
I'd like to hear Mr. Obama tell Jordan's King Abdullah that the U.S. will back
the Hashemite kingdom to the hilt.
now, the king is dealing with a long-running financial crisis, the influx of
more than 300,000 refugees from Syria, diminishing political support from tribal
sheiks, and an assertive Muslim Brotherhood that smells political blood. If the
king falls, the U.S. loses an ally, the Arab world loses a moderate, Israel
loses a secure border, and a contest for power erupts in which all the outcomes
are bad. U.S. assistance to Jordan came to $736 million last year. It's cheap at
five times the price.