Look at this guy: "“He has a chance to become his own man, but he has to distance himself from the Brotherhood,” Mr. Hamid said. “At some point, Mr. Morsi is going to start making his own decisions, and sooner or later, there will be tensions between Shater and Morsi.”" How wrong is he? How off is he? But that totally fallacious notion made me think: he is now one of the most cited analysts on the Middle East. So I am exposed to his commentaries in the Western press. I can say that you can classify his comments into three categories: 1) conventional wisdom. He often produce typical conventional wisdom along the lines of: yes, the US can't rule out military action against Iran, for example. 2) platitudes. Like he would say: well, it seems that the Muslim Brotherhood has actually won. Let us face it. or something like that. 3) it is when he strives to be original: and it is the worse part of his commentaries. He tries to be original so he offers something totally nonsensical as the one above. Please enjoy him, along with the commentaries of WINEP Zionists.