Saturday, July 31, 2010
illiterate Saudi King
threatening the puppets
Lebanese police foils Mossad plans: hahahaha
we oppose Israeli state AND society
Lebanon trip
These are crackdowns that you find holy
Brought to you by US invasion
Investigating Zinn
Did you need this to know that ADL is bigoted? Really?
This repression is goof for the peace process, I guess
This is funny: an "anti-defamation" group is now officially for bigotry
The Lebanese and Saudi King

Friday, July 30, 2010
The genius of Daniel Kurtzer
A Syrian scientist in the US sent me this: "Pack it up, and tell Al-Nahar to do so, too."
The international Hariri court
Thursday, July 29, 2010
This is Zionism
Obama, like Bush, winning hearts and minds
Royal Theft
Dictators that are admired in the West
البوح الغاضب
I will sign volume one of my book البوح الغاضب on Friday, August 6th at T-Marbouta cafe in Hamra. Will provide additional details. It is probably around 7:00PM.
Intolerance in the state of interolerance
Tribute to Saudi Wahhabi oppression
The occupiers and their puppets
US military support for Lebanon
Obama rules
This for the Obama supporters and voters out there
Zionist war criminals at work
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
An Error of Translation in AUB's Motto
arab affairs in the Zionist entity
Lebanonese nationalism
What is a billion here and a billion there?
The disgrace unto the nations
The dirty hands of Israel
This is the real Israel: and not the New York Times' version of Israel
Israeli Mossad story to deal with the embarrassing arrests of Israeli spies in Lebanon
Lebanese Republic
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
reshaping the culture of the Islamic world, on the cheap
They even count 54 from South Africa: so desperate. That would tip the demographic balance I am sure
lost an eye protesting Israel
How patronizing
This is Zionism
declaration of war
Monday, July 26, 2010
Mistakes happen, every day
Google translation of Arabic
Facebook blocks the word Palestinian
Making progress in Iraq
In the West: women compared to animals
In the lousy name of National Security
another Ethiopian suicide in Lebanon
If he were a Muslim, this would have been a front page story in the New York Times
The emulation of the dead
Zionist suppression of facts
The US puppets in Iraq and history
The new security features of the Syrian currency
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Heil Hariri

Palestinian capitalists
Oh,that must hurt the feelings of the PA puppets
Kamil Al-As`ad
Resistance Museum in Mlita
The Lebanese Army is ready
Obama's surge
Saudi-Israeli ties
Saudi-Israeli conspiracy? What conspiracy?
Saturday, July 24, 2010
He is hailed as a hero in the US
expelling shepherds
Asma Tubasi from Rafah
This should be a front page story in every US newspaper. It is nowhere there. You read it in the Inter press
Not in the US press
Now really, this is Zionism
Israel's honeymoon with Arab dictatorships
"That is the secret of quiet diplomacy, and activity behind the scenes. One of my friends is Egyptian Ambassador Maged Abdelaziz, even though my first husband was killed on the Egyptian front during the Yom Kippur War. I have friendly relations with Oman Ambassador Fuad al-Hinai, whose wife is Oman's ambassador to the United States. I had good relations with Saudi Ambassador Khalid Alnafisee. Qatar's ambassador recently expressed regret at my departure. I am particularly proud of the genuine friendship and closeness that came about with the U.S. ambassador, Rice; that's a wonderful souvenir to bring back to Israel."" (thanks Hani)
immediate protection of someone else's property
Can you imagine the international outcry if they were to burn the Torah, for example?
You may cry some more in the future: you will be losing your "soul" because it does not belong to you
Desperate Zionist propaganda
American Injustice System
Friday, July 23, 2010
Nahr Al-Barid
Nahr Al-Barid
Nahr Al-Barid
Ben Wedemen is no Octavia Nasr
Zionism and mixing of the races
Genius of Western Media: a German magazine talk about RADIK Hariri
Definition of Chutzpah
Israel and the US
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Ghassan Khatib: his shameful record expands
Let us hope that Hamas does not ban her
Police brutality in Egypt
Nahr Al-Barid
Past Arab subsidies of the British economy
This is Zionism
Pro-US puppets are allowed to have nuclear ambitions
smuggler for the Palestinians
How nice of Israel: so generous with its puppets
Nahr Al-Barid
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Bronner settles the conflict over Jersusalem
Friends of Israeli war crimes
The Nazis that are adored in the West
Oh, you can easily unknow it: just as you did to support the American invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan
Is there a dirty war in which Israel is not involved?
paying for King PlayStation
Israeli is very impressed with Saudi Arabia's "reforms"
The program is already bearing fruit and some 2,000 teachers have been fired or transferred to administrative positions out of fear they were inculcating the youth with dangerous content." (thanks Farah)