Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Queen Youtube at AUC

A student from AUC sent me this (he/she let me cite from it): "I am unfortunately a student at AUC, and they sent me this email about a "speech" (I use the term loosely for her highness). As you see they are pre-selecting the questions, and in another email about the speech they mentioned that you have to bring your ID and undergo a security check (conducted by...state security of course) to be able to recieve tickets to the "speech." That is the last thing any logical creature would want to do, but I thought you would find it interesting, I laughed when I first saw it. You can post any of this email you want, it you want.
Deadline for Questions for HM Queen Rania Al Abdullah EXTENDED!On Sunday, February 28th, 2010, in Bassily Auditorium, Her Majesty Queen Rania will give a keynote speech on civic engagement. From the meaning of citizenship to the value of selflessness, Her Majesty will discuss how and why civic engagement is a critical component of Arab life. Afterwards, Her Majesty will be taking questions from the audience. In anticipation for our upcoming Her Majesty’s lecture we are accepting questions to be asked to Her Majesty after Her Majesty's lecture. We are asking the AUC student body to submit any questions they have for Her Majesty The Queen, which are relevant and related to the topic of Her Majesty's lecture. Please keep this in mind when submitting questions. We will select a maximum of four or five of the pre-approved questions from students. Questions that have been selected will be asked, with the announcer mentioning the name of the student during the question and answer session. If you would like to submit a question, please make it brief (maximum of 30 words) and email it to The Gerhart Center at gerhartcenter@aucegypt.edu. Please make sure you note in the subject of the email: QUESTIONS FOR HER MAJESTY QUEEN RANIA EVENT. Please include your full name, your year of graduation, and your major in the email, along with your question. Without this information, we will not be able to attribute your question to you. The deadline for submitting questions has been extended to Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 3:30 pm. Best Regards, The Gerhart Center"