Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mark Landler finds the Saudi king and princes the funniest people in the world

"Prince Saud’s stories provided the grist for Mrs. Clinton to break the ice when she arrived at the encampment, a guarded complex with a fleet of helicopters and air-conditioned trailers surrounding a six-pointed black tent that resembled nothing so much as a circus big top. “I want you to know, your majesty, that his highness thinks camels are ugly,” Mrs. Clinton said with a grin, pointing to Prince Saud. “I think his highness was not being fair to camels,” the king replied." That is so funny. I could not stop laughing. This is so hilarious. I mean, between the humor of Mrs. Clinton and the humor of the Saudi King and the Saudi prince, I could not stop laughing. I can't take it anymore. This is so hilarious. Please stop. I feel that I am being tickled. I can't take it anymore. Stop, Mr. Landler. This is way too hilarious. Please, o please. Somebody help me. This is most funny thing I read. It should be published in a book of jokes with Mrs. Clinton and Saudi royals. OK, I have to stop now. Ha. (thanks Dina)