Friday, November 06, 2009

Swiss racism

A Lebanese scientist at Princeton sent me this (I cite with his permission): "Hi AS`ad, I saw your post about Zurich's city council and it comes as no surprise for me. After living in that country for 3 years I expect any racist ad or anything to be welcome. Look at this attached picture I took last time. To advertise its billboards, the company is making up an ad about a kebab shaped hotel belonging to an arab ! In 3 years there, I do not remember a single ad on a billboard that had a non-white in it, though I was always looking for one. I guess Ali is the first one to be featured in billboard. Also despite the fact that over 75 % of the people who get Swiss nationality are french german or italian, the UDC had a campaign of hands garbing a swiss passport that consisted of black and dark hands, and one very white (i.e eastern european) hand (see at ).
Cheers, "

PS This scientist suffered from an acute case of Hummus fever right after the assassination of Rafiq Hariri. I am told by Bassam that he has recovered.