Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Ilyas Khuri has just realized: Hariri's plans were bad

This is quite something: a classic case of Lebanese political convenience, to not use another word. Ilyas Khuri writing in Al-Quds Al-`Arabi--weeks, WEEKS, literally--after being fired from An-Nahar, has just discovered that Hariri plans for downtown Beirut are bad, and that capitalism is dangerous. He wants you to know that he criticized Hariri more than 12 years ago, but wants you to forget everything he said and wrote in between. I kid you not. Hell, almost everybody criticized Hariri more than 12 years ago, including Walid Jumblat. The question is what you have said lately: especially in the last five years. Somebody needs to tell Khuri this: we still remember your TV appearances and articles in An-Nahar in praise of Rafiq Hariri and his policies, and we remember your appearances on Hariri TV in the last few years. I did not even know that your tears have even dried up over Hariri's death.