Sunday, November 01, 2009

Abu Mazen on Arabiyya TV

The half hour interview was quite a show. This station of King Fahd's brother-in-law is so blatantly propagandistic that they don't even try anymore. So Abu Mazen was complaining that Arab media was attacking him over the delay of the Goldstone report, and said that it was "most Arab media." The lousy Lebanese interviewer interrupted him: not all Arab media. He said: I know, and that is why I said: most Arab media, to pay tribute to the propaganda services of Al-Arabiyya. And then an aide brought a laptop to play a video clip of the Pakistan ambassador in the UN Human Rights Council asking for a postponement in the name of the Arab countries, as if that absolves Abu Mazen, and as if the Pakistani ambassador would have made the request without permission from the chief collaborationist in Ramallah. Al-Arabiyya TV don't interview--as interview--puppets of the US and Israel: they merely give them the chance to talk and unload. At no point, did she question him. It was like when Larry King interviewed Frank Sinatra: why do we love you, Frank?